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The Bane of Adulting IENs Part 1: Decisions, Situations & Everythang

With only 10 Canadian Provinces to choose from, some Pinoy IENs seem lost to make a decision. To help you make a decision for yourself and your family, this post, for sure would break down all the factors that you need to consider before drafting your game plan.

First things first, 2 main criteria to take note of:

Evidence of RN Practise
The last shift you worked as an RN in the Philippines or in a jurisdiction where you practised as RN is important to know the expiry/validity of your Evidence of RN Practise (aka 'safe practise'). Most provinces in Canada require at least 1,125 RN hours in the last five (5) years EXCEPT Ontario which is at least 450 RN hours in the last three (3) years and Québec, four (4) years.

We'll make it simpler for you bud. If your last shift as an RN in Singapore was just yesterday November 21, 2018 and you submitted an application today:

For Ontario, your Evidence of RN Practise will expire on November 21, 2021
That means, you should be able to meet all the necessary RN Registration requirements of the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) before your Evidence of RN Practise will expire as indicated by CNO. On the lighter side, CNO allows you to update your practise (at least 450 RN hours) where you hold a license to practise as RN.

For other provinces (except Québec), your Evidence of RN Practise will expire on November 21, 2023
That means, you should be able to meet all the necessary RN Registration requirements of the College of RNs before your Evidence of RN Practise will expire as indicated. 

Comparability of Basic RN Education
NNAS does this work. CGFNS, the firm that manages NNAS and hired by Canadian legislation, is expert in the industry for foreign credential assessment in the last 40 years. But the truth behind this is that, it's how your nursing school lay out your education documents. Over the years, we noticed that even prestigious nursing schools have fallen short on this! Some Colleges of RNs may require you to do a RN skills/knowledge assessment (e.g. SECA, IENCAP, ARNAP, CBA, NCAS & CCA).

Sa siyam (9) na probinsya, san ba talaga ako mag aapply bes?
Sagot: Depende sa situation mo kapatid!

Unfortunately, we have poor information about New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island. Minsan talaga mahirap gumawa ng decision but here's our not-so outspoken table:


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