The biggest tie-up of most child-bearing IENs is family life. Somehow family life is taken in to consideration in making decisions relating to their RN applications. Family should not be a setback of professional growth but rather a precious, fragile diadem you wear as you work for your dreams to frutition. It takes a lot of effort to go about family life and requires a lot of teamwork. Sometimes it takes an entire village to raise a child which is somewhat true in our tight knit culture of Filipino communities living abroad. Deanne, student nurse on family life: Teamwork Pinoy IEN: Girl tell us your background. Deanne: Hello! I'm Manitoba-based mother with twins and a wife to an ever supportive husband! I'm currently on my second semester in the RN Reentry Program in Newfoundland and Labrador. Pinoy IEN: Kapatid how do you juggle everything all at the same time. Naku ang hirap! Deanne: I am very indeed thankful that the theoretical courses are done onl...