A Canadian RN is destined to harness opportunities within North America. An IEN who successfully writes the NCLEX-RN to practise as RN in Canada is bound to become borderless. Being a Canadian citizen unlocks the floodgates of abundance across the frontiers. From coast to coast to coast from north to south, rewards are endless. That is why it is worth to take the high road. Sacrifices must be made. Midnight candles be lit. Eventually, you'll go to places and grow professionally in ways you could have ever imagined. A Culture of Care: #pinoyRN 🇵🇭 The care of the sick is rooted way back at the time of babaylans and herbolarios . Came the Spaniards, religious orders trained Filipino men and women to care for the sick. The Hospital Real de Manila (1577), the first hospital established in the Philippines, was mainly for the care of the King's soldiers who were based in the islands. Many more hospitals were established by the Spaniards. Popular figures of nursing during...
The biggest tie-up of most child-bearing IENs is family life. Somehow family life is taken in to consideration in making decisions relating to their RN applications. Family should not be a setback of professional growth but rather a precious, fragile diadem you wear as you work for your dreams to frutition. It takes a lot of effort to go about family life and requires a lot of teamwork. Sometimes it takes an entire village to raise a child which is somewhat true in our tight knit culture of Filipino communities living abroad. Deanne, student nurse on family life: Teamwork Pinoy IEN: Girl tell us your background. Deanne: Hello! I'm Manitoba-based mother with twins and a wife to an ever supportive husband! I'm currently on my second semester in the RN Reentry Program in Newfoundland and Labrador. Pinoy IEN: Kapatid how do you juggle everything all at the same time. Naku ang hirap! Deanne: I am very indeed thankful that the theoretical courses are done onl...